The climate Action Network Uganda (CAN-U) was established in 2009 and hosted by Oxfam GB in Uganda then. CAN-U is a civil society network comprising of NGOs, academia, private sector, and religious institutions. CAN-U is a country chapter of the CAN International global network. CAN-U is registered with the NGO board as a national network.
It is governed by the General Assembly which oversees the Executive Committee that is responsible for managing the secretariat comprised of technical staff. The secretariat is hosted by the Ecological Christian Organization (ECO). OXFAM has been largely responsible for providing technical assistance and funding to CAN-Us programs and organizational development. Read MoreÂ
Major funding partners have been the DFID/UKAID through OXFAM, and the Rockefeller Foundation through Oxfam America. Irish Aid through the World Resources Institute has provided additional funding to CAN-U. Other non direct funding has been through partners such as the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN), the Advocates Coalition for Development and environment and the Ecological Christian Organization, Red Cross Climate Centre under the Partners for Resilience (PfR).
Our strategic partners include: World Resources Institute (WRI), International Union for nature Conservation (IUCN), Red Cross Climate Centre, Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and OXFAM who are contributing to the organizational development by providing both funding and technical assistance.
Activity implementation is decentralized, to a great extent where members deliver projects through contracts/partnerships and report to the secretariat. The executive committee does the overall supervision role. The Secretariat equally can with support from members jointly implement projects. Being a platform, we pool expertise from our member organizations to perform specific duties.