National Environment Trust Fund (NETFUND) is a State Corporation established by the Environmental Management and Coordination Act of 1999. Our mandate is “To facilitate research intended to further the requirements of environmental management, capacity building, environmental awards, environmental publications, scholarships and grants”. NETFUND’s vision is “Sustainable financing available for environmental management in Kenya”. Our mission is “To mobilize, manage and avail resources for; environmental awards, capacity building, research and publications, scholarships and grants in Kenya.”
As a Fund, we provide a platform for environmental conservationists and funding agents to converse and share bankable ideas. Through our unmatched convening power, we coordinate environmental sector players and create synergy to deliver well researched initiatives competently for effective environmental management in Kenya.
Our network of partners, experts and robust internal financial and governance systems have enabled us design and deliver highly impactful projects to greater scale and with higher levels of accountability. We assure our development partners of a high social return on investment and we will make it easier for our national and international partners to support viable solutions to solve priority national environmental challenges.
Official operations began in 2006 under the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA). NETFUND became a state corporation independent of NEMA, in 2015 following amendment of the EMCA.
To fulfil its strategic objectives and mandate the Fund is structured into four (4) Directorates and four (4) Departments reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) as follows:
- Directorate of Programmes
- Directorate of Research, Resource Mobilization and Consultancy Services
- Directorate of Strategy and Planning
- Directorate of Corporate Services
- Internal Audit Department
- Supply Chain Management Department
- Corporate Secretary and Legal Services Department
- The Fund Management Services
The Internal Audit and the Fund Management Services report functionally to the Board of Trustees and administratively to the CEO.